Pro-Stiminol Advanced 300mg kit

Pro-Stiminol Advanced 300mg kit

DescriptionA bone health kit containing one bottle of Ostinol Advanced 300 and one bottle of Tricalcidin-3 extra strength.Label Details Daily Dose: 1-3 capsules of Ostinol Advanced 3001-2 tablets of Tricalcidin-3... Read more
Size :
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A bone health kit containing one bottle of Ostinol Advanced 300 and one bottle of Tricalcidin-3 extra strength.

Daily Dose:
1-3 capsules of Ostinol Advanced 300
1-2 tablets of Tricalcidin-3 extra strength

Ostinol™ Advanced 300 contains 300mg of Cyplexinol Pro – Natures BMP-Complex.  Cyplexinol Pro, contains bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPS), the only osteoinductive proteins proven to grow new bone and cartilage tissue so minerals can work.

Tricalcidin-3 extra strength is a premium blend of 3 organic calciums, plus vitamin-D3 and magnesium, to fortify bone tissue. Contains 60 tablets.