BHI Skin

BHI Skin

DescriptionFor the temporary relief of eczema, blisters, cold sores, rashes and hives.Skin is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple... Read more
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For the temporary relief of eczema, blisters, cold sores, rashes and hives.Skin is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide by Heel.
Servings Per Container: 100

Adults and children above 6 years: 1 tablet sublingually or dissolved completely in mouth 3 times daily or as directed by a physician. Infants and children to 6 years: 1/2 the adult dosage.

Berberis vulgaris 6X (flushed face with red, warm patches or pimples; itching blisters; eczema of anus and hands; brown pigmentation after eczema), Rhus toxicodendron 8X (red rash), Arsenicum album 10X (scaly eruption; dry rough skin, worse after scratching and in cold; carbuncles), Graphites 10X (eczema on inside of elbow; itching worse from warmth), Hydrofluoricum acidum 10X (ulcerations, improved by cold; alopecia; brittleness of nails), Kreosotum 10X (eczemas of fingers), Petroleum 10X (dry, rough skin; itching and burning at night; chronic, moist eczema), Sepia 10X (eczema not relieved by scratching; urticaria better in warm room), Lycopodium clavatum 12X (acute and chronic eczema; chronic urticaria), Sulphur 12X (eczema; itching; burning after scratching), 30 mg each/300 mg tablet.