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GlutenEase Extra Strength
DescriptionMany people have difficulty digesting gluten and casein proteins commonly found in carbohydrates, resulting in discomforts like occasional gas and bloating. Even those on gluten-free/casein-free diets may experience difficulties due...

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Kids Digest Chewable
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DescriptionKids Digest provides digestive enzymes that help the body break down the components of a meal, like fats, fibers, protein and carbohydrates.* Enzymes are crucial for nutrients absorption, and can...

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DescriptionMany people have difficulty digesting meals containing dairy, resulting in discomforts like occasional gas and bloating. This may occur due to the body’s deficiency of enzymes that break down dairy.Label...

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Lypo Gold
DescriptionLypo Gold has been scientifically proven to digest 3 times more fat than the original formula. A laboratory study showed 1 capsule of Lypo Gold breaking down up to 22...

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DescriptionSeasonal or occasional congestion may produce excess mucus, hindering upper and lower respiratory function.Label Details Servings Per Container: 24 Take 2 capsules three times daily on an empty stomach, one...
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DescriptionNatto-K™ contains specialized blends of enzymes including Nattokinase with NSK-SD®—the only form of nattokinase that does not contain vitamin K2—to enhance the body’s production of plasmin.* Plasmin breaks down excess...

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PH Basic
DescriptionThe body sacrifices digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to achieve optimal pH. When ideal pH levels are attained throughout the body, optimal digestion and enhanced metabolic enzyme efficiency...

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PH Strips
DescriptionEnzymedica’s pH-Strips are intended for use in conjunction with pH-Basic. pH-Basic is formulated to assist in balancing the pH of individuals who are either too acidic or too alkaline. It...
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DescriptionPro-Bio™ uses exclusive TherActive® blends to support a balanced environment of intestinal flora, helping to keep the digestive system performing optimally, eliminating discomforts like irregularity and occasional gas and bloating.Label...

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Purify Intestinal Cleanse
DescriptionPurify™ Intestinal Cleanse is a comprehensive 10-day program to detoxify and rebalance intestinal microbes, containing botanicals that work quickly to promote a balanced intestinal environment.* It is crafted from the...
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Purify- Charcoal Plus
DescriptionPurify Activated Coconut Charcoal promotes optimal detoxification and support for occasional gas and bloatingLabel Details Servings Per Container: 60 1 capsule on an empty stomach one hour before a mealServing...
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Purify- Complete Body Cleanse Kit
DescriptionPurify™ Complete Body Cleanse offers an advanced, “whole body” approach to natural cleansing and detoxification. This comprehensive program is designed to accomplish specific tasks in the detoxification and elimination of...
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Purify- Daily Regularity
DescriptionUnlike formulas that rely exclusively on heavy minerals or difficult to digest fiber, the ingredients in Purify™ work synergistically for a comfortable experience. Natural plant extracts are ideal for daily...
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Purify- Fiber Drink +
DescriptionPurify fiber Drink contains 4 premium sources of fiber, organic juice extracts, and is a DELICIOUS Pomegranate Lemonade flavor to promote regularity and detoxificationLabel Details 1 scoop with a glass...
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Purify- Liver Detox
DescriptionMany natural ingredients are well known for their ability to support the liver. Purify™ takes these ingredients one step further by using premium extracts like Siliphos® and SelenoExcel®, which have...
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DescriptionReduce™ is formulated with the enzyme blend Glucoreductase™ to slow the absorption rate of glucose into the bloodstream.* Cinnamon extract, zinc and chromium are also included to help the body’s...
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Repair Gold
DescriptionRepair Gold™ contains Serrapeptase with Bromelain, Papain and additional enzymes known to support fatigued muscles and joints.* The enzymes work synergistically with the body’s own mechanisms of renewal and may...

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DescriptionSerrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme (an enzyme that breaks down protein) that has been popular in Asia and Europe for almost thirty years. It has been studied for its ability...

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Telomere Plus
DescriptionTelomerase is a naturally occurring enzyme that lengthens telomeres and protects them from shortening. Telomere Plus™ has been shown to increase telomerase activity.* Label Details Servings Per Container: 30 1 capsule...
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DescriptionVeggieGest™ contains a high-potency enzyme, Alpha Galactosidase, that is key in digesting the sugars from beans, grains, raw vegetables and other foods that create digestive discomfort.* VeggieGest may assist the...
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