Tropical Regional Allersode

Tropical Regional Allersode

DescriptionProvides factors that mitigate hypersensitivity to common allergies of the tropics and Hawaii.Label Details Adrenal 3X, 4X, ACTH 6X, 30X, Histamine 12X, Liver 6X, 12X, Acacia, Bermuda grass, Cocklebur, English... Read more
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Provides factors that mitigate hypersensitivity to common allergies of the tropics and Hawaii.

Adrenal 3X, 4X, ACTH 6X, 30X, Histamine 12X, Liver 6X, 12X, Acacia, Bermuda grass, Cocklebur, English plantain, Eucalyptus, Kentucky blue grass, Mountain cedar, Olive pollen, Pigweed mix, Ragweed, Saltbush, White mulberry, Queen palm, all at 6X, 12X, 60X, 100X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol. 2 oz