Chaste Tree

Chaste Tree

DescriptionHerb Pharm prepares their Chaste Tree Extract from the berries of Vitex agnus-castus trees which are Certified Organically Grown and/or Sustainably Wildcrafted in their wild native habitat.Label Details Shake Well... Read more
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Herb Pharm prepares their Chaste Tree Extract from the berries of Vitex agnus-castus trees which are Certified Organically Grown and/or Sustainably Wildcrafted in their wild native habitat.

Shake Well Before Using

Take up to 40 drops in 2oz. of water or juice, two to four times per day.

Best taken between meals.

Certified organic alcohol, distilled water and Chaste Tree extractives. GLUTEN-FREE

Potency: Dry herb / menstruum ratio: 1 : 4