BHI Throat

BHI Throat

DescriptionThroat is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide... Read more
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Throat is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide by Heel.
Servings Per Container: 100

Arum triphyllum 4X (voice hoarse from overuse in talking or singing; expectoration of mucus; laryngitis), Paris quadrifolia 5X (periodical painless hoarseness; voice feeble; sore throat), Argentum nitricum 6X (mucus in throat; rawness and soreness in throat; chronic laryngitis), Causticum 6X (mucus collects in throat; inability to speak loudly; scratching in throat), Hyoscyamus niger 6X (constriction of throat; inability to swallow, especially liquids; dry cough at night), Arnica montana, radix 8X (dry cough from tickling in lowest part of trachea), Verbascum thapsus 8X (hoarseness when reading aloud; hollow cough in evening and at night), Carbo vegetabilis 10X (hawking of mucus; rawness and burning in throat; great roughness in larynx), Phosphorus 10X (hoarseness, can only whisper; frequent cough; worse towards evening), Calcarea carbonica 30X (painless hoarseness in morning; pain in throat extending to ears; raw pain in chest when coughing), 30 mg each/300 mg tablet.